Would-be sandwiches at the Canadian Border

Canadian Border Service

A few years ago, on our way to Vancouver, we stopped at customs to show our bags to the Canadian Border Service. The officer was rude and confusing. She asked me if I had anything to declare. I said no. But she wanted me to make sure there are no sandwiches in my bag. What sandwiches? Did I sneak a ham sandwich into Canada because I had a kid with me? If I said I had nothing of the sort, she wasn’t going to believe me. And why all this talk about sandwiches that don’t exist? She was acting on the assumptions that if you look like a mom, then you probably have ham sandwiches on you. And that is a big no-no in Canada. Isn’t it her job to figure out if I have ham sandwiches? If she wants to search my bags for prohibited items, she really should have gone ahead. But no, she wanted me to make her job easier by not believing me. HOW does that make any sense?

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