Fiber is my friend


I love snow pea leaves sauteed with garlic. I think I ate half a plate of it today at Dim Sum. As healthy as it was to have all that green fiber goodness, it left me hungry about 2 hours later. Yesterday’s fireworks celebration food (pizza, cupcake, soda, caramel popcorn) made me feel so carbed out and sugared out. That’s why I had to O.D. on veggies just a bit to get myself feeling ok again.

My Eggroll Addiction


Hi, my name is Amy and I’m an eggroll addict.
(Hello, Amy!)
I fell off the wagon about 4 times in the past 2 weeks.
I have driven to unsafe neighborhoods where drug dealers roam in order to get my eggroll fix.
I become irresponsible with my driving (while under the influence of eggrolls).
I can’t NOT eat the eggrolls in the car when they are sitting next to me.
Especially when they are fresh, crispy, and petite.
I make my husband enable my habits.
I even got him to try some repeatedly.
He is somehow immune to eggroll addiction, but not I.
That’s all I have to share today.